iOS 5.1 版本開放下載 ‧ 附官方下載鏈結

Apple 於今天凌晨發佈新一代 iPad (The New iPad) 及 Apple TV 3G 外, 同時推出 iOS 5.1 版本更新. iOS 5.1 版本適用於 iPad (1)/ 2/ 3, iPhone 3Gs/ 4/ 4S, iPod Touch 3G/ 4G, Apple TV 2G/ 3G. 請注意! 目前, iOS 5.1 尚未能完美破解 (Untethered Jailbreak), 若 iOS 主機已進行破解, 更新至 iOS 5.1 將會令 iOS 主機失去破解; 因此, 在尚未發佈 iOS 5.1 完美破解 (Untethered Jailbreak) 前, 不要自行更新至 iOS 5.1; 請密切留意 Gizzomo 的最新消息.

iOS 5.1

iOS 5.1 更新項目包含了下列改進功能和其他錯誤修正:
– Japanese language support for Siri (availability may be limited during initial rollout)
– Photos can now be deleted from Photo Stream
– Camera shortcut now always visible on Lock Screen for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (4th generation)
– Camera face detection now highlights all detected faces
– Redesigned Camera app for iPad
– Genius Mixes and Genius playlists for iTunes Match subscribers
– Audio for TV programs and films on iPad optimized to sound louder and clearer
– Podcast controls for playback speed and a 30-second rewind for iPad
– Addresses bugs affecting battery life
– Fixes and issue that occasionally caused audio to drop for outgoing calls

iOS 5.1 官方下載鏈結
iPad (1)
iPad 2 (Wi Fi)
iPad 2 (GSM)
iPad 2 (CDMA)
iPad 3 (Wi Fi)
iPad 3 (GSM)
iPad 3 (CDMA)

iPhone 3Gs
iPhone 4 (GSM)
iPhone 4 (CDMA)
iPhone 4S

iPod Touch 3G
iPod Touch 4G

Apple TV 2G (5.0)
Apple TV 3G (5.0)

iTunes 10 官方下載鏈結
下載 iTunes 10.6

目前, iOS 5.1 未能完美破解 (Untethered Jailbreak), Gizzomo 香港並不建議你更新至 iOS 5.1. 若然更新至 iOS 5.1, 或將失去原來的完美破解 (Untethered Jailbreak), 亦無法降級 (有備份舊 iOS 4.X 版本的 SHSH 認証檔除外); 請留意 Gizzomo 香港的最新消息.

UPDATE: iOS 5.1 破解 (越獄) 教學經已發佈 ‧ 使用 Redsn0w 0.9.10 Beta 6

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