據外國一網站指出, 下一代 Apple iPhone, iPhone 5 顯示屏將擴大至 4 寸, 挑戰載有 Android 系統電話的大顯示屏主機. 此網站據稱消息來自Apple 的零件供應商.
The component suppliers noted that the production lines for Apple’s next generation iPhone have begun testing, and Apple is interesting in expanding the screen size to 4-inches to support the tablet PC market as the vendor only has a 9.7-inch iPad in the market.
另一則消息則指出, iPhone 5 將採用 A5 處理器, 與近日推出的 Samsung Galaxy S II 使用的處理器配置相近; 而 iPad 2 將使用強化版的 A4 處理器.
Apple is reportedly looking to outsource the production of its A4 processor as well as the next-generation ARM Cortex-A9-based A5 processor to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), according to industry sources.
According to Digitimes Research, the iPad 2 will support an enhanced version of the A4 and the A5 will power the iPhone 5. TSMC will initially produce the improved A4, and could likely become the exclusive manufacturer of the A5.