Chronic Dev Team 公佈了 iOS 4.2.1 完美破解的進度, 並發佈了有關示範影片, 指出 iOS 4.2.1 完美破解已經完成. 目前只有一個 Bug 尚未修復, 就是不能顯示 Wi Fi icon; 待有關問題解決後, 就會發佈 iOS 4.2.1 完美破解的工具.
其實 iPhone Dev-Team 的 Redsn0w 0.9.7 早已能夠完美破解 iOS 4.2.1, 但此方法目前需要有 iOS 4.2b3 SHSH (更多關於 SHSH); 所以, 若果沒有備份 iOS 4.2b3的 SHSH, 就不能使用 RedSn0w 完美破解 iOS 4.2.1 了.
I bought an iphone 4 in American, but it is locked by AT&T. The ios is 4.2.1, and baseband is 03.10.1. So i really want to know when can I possible unlock it?
Thanks for your question. I am sorry to tell you that there is no any unlock solution for your currently baseband. You can stick with for the latest updates for the unlock solution.
CliFF at Gizzomo HK