Android 2.3.1 Gingerbread 終於成功移植至 iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G 及 iPod Touch 1G. 至於對 iPad, iPhone 3Gs 及 iPhone 4 的支援或即將推岀.
不過, 目前只發佈了預覽; 並且還未經著名的 Android 安裝程式 Bootlace 發放. 你只能自行下載及手動安裝 (閱讀手動安裝的方法).
This is a preview release of Android Gingerbread (2.3.1) for Apple devices, I am busy with other projects for a few weeks and the other 3 active developers are working on porting openiboot to the iPhone 4, iPad and 3GS, so I thought I’d put a test build out for everyone to have a mess around with, please read this post fully before trying it.
This release is for iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G & iPod Touch 1G and is ONLY available as a binary package.
在 iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G 及 iPod Touch 1G 內安裝 Android 2.3.1 Gingerbread 的前提是, 你的 iOS 主機必須已破解 (越獄). 至於怎樣破解 (越獄), 可參考 Gizzomo 香港之 iOS 主機破解 (越獄) 教學資訊.