下載 iTunes 10.6 for Windows 及 Mac

下載 iTunes 10.6 for Windows 及 Mac

Apple 除了發佈了新一代 iPad (The New iPad), 以及 iOS 5.1 版本更新外, iTunes 10.6 亦同時推出更新並適用於 Windows 及 Mac OS X. 各用家可以透過 iTunes 內直接進行更新, 或使用以下鏈結更新 iTunes 至 10.6 版本.

下載 iTunes 10.6 for Windows 及 Mac

iTunes 10.6 版本更新內容:

iTunes 10.6 adds the ability to play 1080p HD movies and TV shows from the iTunes Store.
This release also includes many improvements for iTunes Match, including:
• Improved song matching
• Improved album artwork handling, downloading, and display
• Addresses an issue where songs may skip when playing from iCloud

下載 iTunes 10.6 版本 (Windows/ Mac OS X)

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