昨日, Verizon 開始接受預訂 CDMA 制式的 iPhone 4 (限於現有用戶); 在不足 2 小時內, 已刷新 Verizon 歷來的銷售紀錄, 成為 Verizon 歷來開售日中最高銷量的手機. 有趣的是, 這些預訂都是在 (美國時間) 凌晨 03:00 至 05:00 期間預訂的. Verizon 網站於預訂期間曾一度癱瘓, 不過現在經已回復正常. 目前 Verizon 已經停止接受預訂, 其他網絡供應商的用户, 可於 09/02/2011 預訂, 或者於 10/02/2011 排隊購買.
Available to General Public on Feb.10
BASKING RIDGE, N.J. – At 8:10 p.m. EST yesterday, Verizon Wireless ceased online orders of iPhone 4 to existing customers and ended the most successful first day sales in the history of the company.
“This was an exciting day,” said Dan Mead, president and chief executive officer for Verizon Wireless. “In just our first two hours, we had already sold more phones than any first day launch in our history. And, when you consider these initial orders were placed between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., it is an incredible success story. It is gratifying to know that our customers responded so enthusiastically to this exclusive offer — designed to reward them for their loyalty.
“I am proud of our employees who worked tirelessly to strengthen and scale our systems, enabling unprecedented customer orders through our website. Overall, it was a very good day,” he added.
Mead also said customers will have another opportunity at being among the nation’s first to own an iPhone 4 on the Verizon Wireless network.
“Yesterday’s launch set the pace for next week when we open up sales to everyone across America.”
The general market launch of the iPhone 4 on the Verizon Wireless network will occur on February 10. The company will open its more than 2000 Verizon Wireless Stores at 7 a.m. It will also be available at all Apple store locations, Best Buy, select Wal-Mart stores, and on-line at verizonwireless.com and apple.com.
Verizon 並沒有提供 iPhone 4 的預訂銷售數字, 但有一點肯定的是, 數量令 Verizon 的訂購系統吃不消! 距離 10/02/2011 正式發售日只剩下 05 天, 到時又會再起一場爭購戰!
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