Apple 或會在 14/02/2011 (Pacific) 10:00 a.m 發佈 iOS 4.3.0

據一外國網站指出, Apple 或會在 14/02/2011 發佈 iOS 4.3.0. 新版本 iOS 4.3.0 將包括修補系統漏洞, 及增加對 AirPlay 的支援. iOS 4.3 或提前發佈, 很大機會是基於要對新的訂閱軟體 (Subscription Based Apps) 技術支援. 例如在較早前發佈的 The Daily App; 均需要系統 API 支援才可使用. 另外, Apple 的慣例是在發佈了開發版本 Beta 1 後, 每兩星期會再發佈一次開發版本的更新; 直至最終版本. Apple 平時均選擇在周一發佈 iOS 更新, 令我們推算 14/02/2011 發佈 iOS 的可能性很大; 而 16/02/2011 是開發版本 Beta 3 發佈後兩個星期的日子, 發佈 iOS 的可能性亦很大.

Apple 或會在 14/02/2011 (Pacific) 10:00 a.m 發佈 iOS 4.3.0

Apple 或會在 14/02/2011 (Pacific) 10:00 a.m 發佈 iOS 4.3.0

最後, John Grubber 曾分享他對 iPhone 4 Verizon 版本的見解:

At some point in the next two weeks or so, Apple holds an announcement regarding in-app subscription APIs (and, I suspect, given this week’s news regarding in-app payments for third-party bookstores, other in-app purchasing changes). At this point, Apple releases a new version of iOS with support for in-app subscription purchasing and the Wi-Fi hotspot feature. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Apple releases that iOS update prior to February 10, the date the iPhone 4 is slated to arrive in Verizon customers’ hands.

That’s all truly just a guess on my part though. I could be wrong. For one thing, The Daily is an iPad-only app, and tethering is an iPhone-only feature. But I suspect that Apple now prefers to keep the iOS versions in sync between iPhone and iPad — and surely, there will be subscription payment apps that work on both devices.

到底 14/02/2011 會否發佈 iOS 4.3.0, 到時便有分曉!

Source: RedmondPie

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