iOS 介面主題, 每個人喜好不同. 不過 Apple 的預設介面主題, 用久了便覺得很悶了. 更換 iOS 介面主題, 目前只能透過破解 (越獄)後進行; 再從 Cydia 內瀏覧數百至數千個介面主題, 選好心水的主題才安裝, 有點麻煩呢! 正正是此原因, Theme It — iOS 介面主題平台即將推出.
Theme It — iOS 介面主題平台即將在 Cydia 推出. 一個相對較有條理及齊全 iOS 介面主題平台, 用來更有效地選墿心水的主題.
“A carefully designed platform (application and website) allowing focus on high-quality themes and also the artists behind the themes in a way that wasn’t possible before… it’s the Theme Store you’ve been dreaming of using.
With some of the best theme creators already on-board we can guarantee you’ll have access to amazing and exclusive content in an environment that’s sure to meet everyone’s needs. Focusing on high-quality, complete themes, the goal of Theme it isn’t to have a million themes in the gallery… but the best ones available.
The platform includes a very user-friendly website and an iPhone/iTouch application to showcase and distribute the themes with instant access to the information you really want, such as screenshots, details, compatibility and much more. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn a little more about the artists that create the themes you love and use. A section will be dedicated to these wonderful designers.”
筆者亦很期待 Theme It, iOS 介面主題平台!
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